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瑞森医疗(漳州)有限公司 本信息的网址二维码
单位简介 所有职位
 招聘职位:测试工程师(当地Sunrise测试机构) (1人)   No.3053293 
招聘单位: 瑞森医疗(漳州)有限公司  单位资料
招聘期限: 2024-11-18 2024-12-03 11:09  查看招聘发布历史
联 系 人: 小黄(管理部)
联系电话: (合则约见、谢绝来电)
通信地址: 福建省漳州市长泰区古农农场银光路6-2号1#厂房(361100)
学历要求: 本科以上
职位性质: 全职 工作经验: 不限
外语要求: 英语水平要求良好
工作地点: 福建省、漳州市
参考月薪: 18000-20000元/月
上班时间: 8.0小时/天    5天/周    正常白班
薪资福利: 五险、带薪年假、包吃
 职位职责和职位要求 (Job Responsibilities & Requirements):
The Test Engineer is responsible for the operation and management of the local Engineering Test Lab. The position supports the Sunrise R&D teams around the world by testing medical products according to international standards and proprietary Sunrise test protocols. This includes conducting all necessary testing, writing test reports and product documentation as well as coordinating any external product testing. It includes verification analysis, root cause analysis and problem solving. Interaction with other functional groups, such as Manufacturing, Quality, Purchasing and Product Management is essential. Further responsibilities include coordinating the workflow and priorities of the test lab as well as ensuring all test apparatus is present, functional and calibrated. The test engineer coordinates the timely prototype deliverables for Verification test with internal and external resources. The Test Engineer must comply with Sunrise Medical processes, ISO 13485 Quality Management System and global Regulatory requirements such as CE, EU MDR, UKCA, FDA, TGA, CERAH and others.

B. JOB DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: (Select from the selections below that apply)
Design Tasks
? Apply electrical and mechanical knowledge to conduct product testing according test protocols and standards, this includes both standardized and internally developed test protocols.
? Understand the product Test Plan and ensure Verification and Validation testing is completed in accordance with Test Plan.
? Document the results of the product testing accurately and promptly upon completion of the test.
? Responsible for the proper release of test reports and promptly notifying the responsible engineer of the results.
? Apply analytical capabilities to accurately predict function and service life and/or develop a unique method of testing and evaluation.
? Read and understand design drawings and measure components accordingly.
? Evaluate proper fit/function of build prototypes and serial products.
? Take responsibility for test results.
? Ensure test apparatus is available, properly maintained and calibrated.
? Ensure the facility workflow is properly managed and communicated to the relevant parties.
? Ensure the test lab facility is properly maintained and tidy.
? Ability to assemble and disassemble medical products.
? Other duties as agreed by supervisor.
Implementation Tasks
? Work with the other Engineers, departments, test labs and suppliers to ensure successful project completion and to meet project goals.
? Contribute to the development of internally generated protocols and equipment necessary for confidence tests.
? Adjust, rework and produce as necessary test rigs by either building in-house our out-sourcing.
? Lead the execution and completion of Verification and Validation tests per the Test Plan.
? Perform root cause analysis and evaluation of product quality issues, identify andimplement solutions, and provide feedback into the appropriate process to eliminate future issues.

? Technician or bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, Electrical Engineering or related engineering discipline required.
? Experience preferably in medical related field. Minimum of 2 years’ experience.
? Be able to resolve issues in a structured, logical timely manner.
? Able to communicate, read, and write clearly in the English language.
? Able to travel 10% of the time to North America or Europe (passport required).
? Understand principles of testing and measurement.
? Proven ability to manage a test facility.

? Forward Thinking: Anticipate real potential problems (from multiple areas such as design, processes, application, etc.) and enact solutions preemptively.
? Analytical Thinking. Approaching a problem by using a logical, systematic, sequential approach
? Technical Expertise: Demonstrate necessary technical judgment in evaluating new designs or trouble-shooting existing designs.
? Thoroughness: Ensures work is complete, accurate and carefully prepared.
? Fostering Teamwork: Able to work cooperatively and in a constructive manner with other team members\
? Deductive Reasoning: The ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense.
? Written Comprehension: The ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing.
? Thoroughness. Ensures work is complete, accurate and carefully prepared.
? Personal Credibility – Demonstrated concern that one be perceived as responsible, reliable and trustworthy.
The follow indicators will be measured and are key to assessing job performance:
? Timely and accurate execution of test protocols.
? Timely and accurate completion of test reports.
? Proper function and cleanliness of test facility.
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 单位简介 回顶部
公司性质: 合资(欧美)
公司行业: 医疗设备/器械
瑞森医疗(漳州)有限公司是一家中英合资企业。公司为国际知名的Sunrise Medical公司在漳州投资控股企业,主要生产各种轮椅和代步车,产品销售至全球各主要国家和地区。作为SunriseMedical全球战略的组成部分,瑞森医疗(漳州)有限公司将提供优良的工作环境和细致的人文管理诚邀踏实肯干、具高度责任心、有良好团队和创新精神者加入。
该企业的信用信息可访问 天眼查 进行查询
 评价 回顶部
 联系方式 回顶部
联 系 人: 小黄(管理部)
联系电话: (合则约见、谢绝来电)
联系地址: 福建省漳州市长泰区古农农场银光路6-2号1#厂房(361100)
电子邮件: (请通过系统申请职位,系统会自动把你的应聘简历发给我)


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