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玛特谷博防护科技(厦门)有限公司 本信息的网址二维码
单位简介 所有职位
 招聘职位:质量工程师QE/SQE (1人)   No.3023876 
招聘单位: 玛特谷博防护科技(厦门)有限公司  单位资料
招聘期限: 2024-09-05 2024-10-05 15:02  查看招聘发布历史
联 系 人: 纪经理(人事经理)
联系电话: (合则约见、谢绝来电)
通信地址: 厦门同安区创新创业园(361100)
学历要求: 本科以上
职位性质: 全职 工作经验: 五年工作经验以上
外语要求: 英语水平要求精通
工作地点: 厦门市同安区
参考月薪: 8000-12000元/月
上班时间: 8.0小时/天    6天/周    
薪资福利: 五险、住房公积金、带薪年假、包吃
 职位职责和职位要求 (Job Responsibilities & Requirements):
We are looking for a metrology specialist at the Quality Department for plastic and metal parts and other components as we want to ensure that parts meet precise specifications and quality standards. The metrology specialist must have a deep understanding of the measurement technologies they use and the manufacturing processes that produce the parts they inspect.
You will work closely with both design engineers to understand the function and specifications of parts and with manufacturing teams to address any quality issues. You will be responsible for measuring and evaluating the accuracy and precision of tools, equipment, products, and processes.

Main job contents:
1.Dimensional Inspection: use various measuring instruments to check the dimensions of parts against the specifications. This includes length, width, height, and diameter, among others, to ensure they fall within the tolerances set by the design.

2.Surface Analysis: Need to assess surface roughness, texture, and the presence of defects using both tactile and non-contact measurement tools. 表面分析:需要使用触觉和非接触式测量工具评估表面粗糙度,纹理和缺陷的存在。

3.Monitor Product Properties Testing: testing the material properties (like UV, ageing with internal procedures…) to ensure the part will perform as expected under use conditions. 监控产品性能测试:测试材料性能(如紫外线,内部程序老化…),以确保零件在使用条件下按预期运行。

4.Calibration and Maintenance of Measurement Instruments and procedure测量仪器和程序的校准和维护

5.Data Analysis and Reporting: After collecting measurement data, specialists analyze the results to identify trends, potential manufacturing issues, or areas for improvement. They report these findings to the manufacturing team or management to make informed decisions about process adjustments or part redesigns. 数据分析和报告:在收集测量数据后,专家分析结果以确定趋势,潜在的制造问题或需要改进的领域。他们将这些发现报告给制造团队或管理层,以做出有关工艺调整或零件重新设计的明智决策。

6.Compliance with Standards: They ensure that measurement and inspection processes comply with relevant industry standards and certifications, such as ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards. 符合标准:他们确保测量和检验过程符合相关的行业标准和认证,如ISO(国际标准化组织)标准。

7.Supplier Validation: they will participate in the evaluation of supplier during process validation and in recurrent revisions by measuring and analyzing Cpk and Cp data. 供应商验证:通过测量和分析Cpk和Cp数据,参与工艺验证和定期修订过程中对供应商的评价。

8.Complete other tasks assigned by superior. adjust the work content according to the company‘s order when appropriate and allocate different positions to each other. 完成上级交办的其他工作。适当时根据公司订单调整工作内容,相互分配不同的岗位。

9.Tools and Equipment:工具和设备
-Callipers and Micrometres (measurements tools): For manual measurements of dimensions.
-Surface Roughness Testers: To measure and quantify the surface finish of parts.
-Hardness Testers: To assess the hardness of metal parts, which can indicate strength or resistance to wear. We have a piece of equipment inhouse.
-3D and Scanning and Imaging: For creating detailed digital models of parts for comparison against CAD designs or reverse engineering purposes.

-Engineer or Metrology’s degree or proven experience filling that position. 工程师或计量学学位或相关经验。
-At least 2-3 year related QE working experience 至少2-3年相关QE工作经验
-English reading and writing skill,speaking is better.英文看,写能力,熟练口语更佳
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 联系方式 回顶部
联 系 人: 纪经理(人事经理)
联系电话: (合则约见、谢绝来电)
联系地址: 厦门同安区创新创业园(361100)
电子邮件: (请通过系统申请职位,系统会自动把你的应聘简历发给我)
 单位简介 回顶部
公司性质: 外资(欧美)
公司行业: 贸易/进出口
MAT GROUP is a multinational company based in several locations: Headquarters and R&D Center in Spain/Barcelona, Manufacturing Centers in China/Xiamen and Malaysia/Jitra, Trading Platform in Hong Kong and, Laboratories in Italy/Tortona and in China/Xiamen.
   玛特谷博(MAT GROUP)是一家跨国公司,总部和研发中心位于西班牙巴塞罗那,生产中心位于中国厦门和马来西亚日得拉,贸易平台位于香港,实验室位于意大利托尔托纳和中国厦门。
   We are global innovation Company, which designs, develops, produces, and commercialize a variety of technology platforms, delivering valuable ingredients to improve the performance of existing premium brands products, as well as “new to the world” products, within the somehow fast-moving consumer goods and other industrial markets.
   The Company’s technology platforms might also be utilized in the creation of several other products forms (applications) as well as reaching a wide markets diversity.
   The vision for MAT GROUP is to build a high growth, high quality margin and a special platforms business based on proprietary technology. The Company’s technology platforms have broad and diverse range of applications and markets to reach.
   MAT GROUP的愿景是以专有技术为基础,建立一个高增长、高利润和特定平台业务。公司的技术平台具有广泛多样的应用和市场。
   The business aims to generate growing high-quality revenue streams by, either the supply of proprietary technology integrated into final products, using its own manufacturing model, either the supply of proprietary technology as a component, to be integrated, using an own manufacturing model, or either using an outsourced manufacturing model or last but not least, directly licensing its proprietary technologies. The current target markets are Motor, Sports, and Industrial/Defense.
 人才评价 回顶部


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