厦门海辰酒店有限公司招聘各岗位实习生(工程部&销售部&安保部&餐饮部&客房部&前厅部),残疾人,服务中心文员,楼层服务员Room Attendant,洗衣房服务员Laundry Attendant,西餐厅服务员,西餐主管Western Restaurant Supervisor,洗碗工Steward cleaner,管事部主管Steward Supervisor,Sales Manager 销售经理,销售协调员,工程部协调员&仓管(实习/正式),工程技工(水电),保安员Security Guard,监控员Security Guard,保安资深主管&主管Security Senior Supervisor
招聘期限: 2024-11-27 2024-12-04 08:35
招聘部门: ENG/工程部
联 系 人: 林先生(HR)
联系电话: 0592-6883225
通信地址: (厦门海旅温德姆至尊负一楼人事部)厦门市海沧区嵩屿东路88号(361026)(合则约见、非请勿访)
学历要求: 大专以上
职位性质: 全职
工作经验: 不限
专业要求: 不限
工作地点: 厦门市海沧区
参考月薪: 2800-3000元/月
薪资福利: 五险、住房公积金、带薪年假、节日福利、包吃、包住、工作制服
(Job Responsibilities & Requirements):
MAIN DUTIES主要职责 1. Takes down and transcribes minutes of meeting and dictation from the Engineering Manager. 做会议记录以及记录工程部经理的发言。 2. Drafts routine and simple correspondence for approval of superior. 起草上级批准的常规和简单的通告。 3. Print correspondence, memoranda, circulars, reports, letters, all other communication and maintains files of same. 打印通信,备忘录,通告,报告,信件以及其他类似文件。 4. Answers and places phone calls and arranges appointments for superior, reminds superior, reminds superior of appointments and meetings. 接听电话,为上级安排会客,提醒上级会客,开会。 5. Maintains adequate stock of office supplies, initiates necessary requisitions. 维持足够的办公室储物,提出必要的请求。 6. Ensures cleanliness, orderliness and maintenance of office equipment and office premises. 确保办公室设备财产的清洁,有序和维修工作。 7. Performs other duties required by his supervisor. 执行其他上级要求的工作。 8. Under the leadership of the Engineering Manager and competent, Responsible for all materials for procurement and storage of engineering department, to ensure the quantity and quality the materials. 在工程部总监及主管领导下,负责工程部各类物资的申请采购及保管工作,保证物资数量和质量的完整无损。 9. To work, hold your position, contact with the Duty Engineer to enhance communication. 到岗后,坚守岗位,与值班工程师及时联系,加强沟通。 10. According to the inventory and work plan, mentioning the purchase order. 根据库存及工作计划,提采购单。 11. Strictly implementation of the Warehouse of the management system, Insist on the acceptance of storage procedures and the issuance of the library procedures, To ensure that the accounts clearly and match the account book. 严格执行库房各项管理制度,坚持验收入库手续和发放出库手续,要按清点、计卡、入帐的程序进行,保证帐目清楚,帐物相符。 12. Responsible for warehouse clean health work well, Strictly implementation of the warehouse security system, power off after work, shut doors and windows, no-smoking, Do three defenses work (fire prevention, against theft, moisture proof), to ensure that the Warehouse and material safety. 负责搞好仓库的清洁卫生工作,严格执行仓库安全制度,下班前断电,关好门窗,严禁吸烟, 做好三防(防火、防盗、防潮)工作,保证库房和物资安全。
联 系 人: 林先生(HR)
联系电话: 0592-6883225
联系地址: (厦门海旅温德姆至尊负一楼人事部)厦门市海沧区嵩屿东路88号(361026)(合则约见、非请勿访)
公司性质: 国营企业
公司行业: 酒店/旅游
厦门海旅温德姆至尊酒店, 坐落于美丽的海沧湾,海沧大道的起点,是厦门市海沧区首家国际奢华五星级品牌酒店。其地理位置优越,与鹭江道和鼓浪屿隔水相望,紧邻出口加工区,厦门自贸试验区。交通便捷,至厦门高崎国际机场及厦门火车站仅需20分钟车程,距厦门动车北站仅需30分钟车程,到达高速入口仅需3分钟车程,与嵩屿码头仅相距500米,乘船至鼓浪屿及轮渡中山路仅需15分钟。